Yeah I think they've done quite a bit since then, including the Tivo Mini, the OnePass, and an HD menu overhaul that was long overdue (I'm still getting used to it).

They've also added a feature that works on select shows where you can press one button to skip an entire commercial break. It's not automatic like ReplayTV, but it's pretty good. I've seen it available for - and this is a VERY rough estimate - about half to two thirds of the network TV shows I watch, and it's only messed up about two times (where it missed a segment of the show and I had to rewind).

I'm sure I'm missing some other features but it's been a super long time since I had my own Series 3. I then had the Premiere and now the Bolt.

I had a series one that I hacked and added an turbonet ethernet card

Ha! I think I did that too. I remember that when I was trying to buy my first Tivo, I went into a Target with my girlfriend (now wife) and asked them if they had it. To this day we joke about their response: "you mean the kickboxing thing?"