Most streaming music can also be downloaded. Sometimes you have to pay separately for the download, depending on where you get it from. Downloading music is real cheap and easy these days. Most places have made it quite painless and inexpensive to do so, frequently costing much less than the audio CD version would cost.

Since some of my friends earn their livings via music sales, I tend to advocate buying it, instead of trying to lift the audio from a stream. Also, most streaming services run at a lower bitrate for the audio data than you'd get from downloading a purchased MP3 from like Amazon or Bandcamp or whatnot. If, as you've said, you're interested in the quality level of lossless FLAC, then, if you try to lift those streams from streaming services, you're unlikely to be happy with the audio data bitrate that streaming services fed you.

Regarding ripping, here is a thread on this topic from a couple of years ago, since I was asking the same question:

These days, most programs which will do CD ripping do a decent job as long as you turn on error correction for the rip. Many programs have error correction turned off by default. If you don't turn on error correction, you'll get a faster rip but it will get glitches in the files. On Mac, iTunes works just fine to rip to MP3, and on Windows, the built in Windows Media Player does a perfectly good job of ripping to MP3. I don't rip straight to FLAC though, so I don't have a suggestion there, but DBPowerAmp, suggested in that other thread, seems to do it.
Tony Fabris