I'm a repentant music pirate, but not a very good one. I exclusively use streaming services and have done so for the past 7-9 years (since Rdio was a thing). The convenience is just too good.

I do feel bad sometimes that I'm not buying the album, but I actually think that my listening style ends up benefiting the artists I listen to on streaming. I tend to obsess over one artist or album at a time and listen to it on repeat constantly.

Example: I discovered a new album a few weeks ago. Google Music tracks listens and I've apparently listened to the entire album 35 times, and some specific songs around 70 times. I'm curious if this doesn't at least match the revenue they would have gotten from an album sale?

This is almost my exclusive behavior with albums, too. It appears that I listened to "Carrie and Lowell" by Sufjan Stevens about 55 times, some tracks 90 times!