Originally Posted By: tfabris

One "cheap" solution to the CEC issue is what I've implemented on that older Onkyo at the GF's house: A remote christmas-lights-controller switch. Lets me bounce the power on the sucker without having to dig at the rat's nest of wires back there. Any time I have troubles with the CEC, it's two button presses on that fob. It sucks having to keep that fob at the couch, but it beats spelunking for the plug every couple of weeks.

The problem I'm having sadly can't be addressed like that. Powering of the amp only sometimes fixes it (and power cycling the TV never appears to fix it).

Today it got worse:

- turned on TV
- no sound
- tried power cycling amp
- no sound
- switched TV to internal speaker
- watched YouTube for a couple of minutes
- TV switched back to ARC by itself
- no sound


To further taunt me, I've noticed that the amp displays "TV speaker" when you change the TV to internal speaker, so there is clearly communication going on between them.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday