Very cool! I love indoor mini golf.

I had a lot of fun at a blacklight indoor mini golf place in Germany a couple years ago. Their facility had an added feature of using special glasses which gave the playfield a trippy 3D effect:

The 3D effect is called "Chromadepth" and it's very interesting. The glasses take advantage of chromatic aberration to make reds seem closer than blues. Colors and images are painted on the walls/course which are designed for the glasses. So you get the impression that you're walking on transparent floors and there are objects floating in the air in the room. It's like stepping into a 3D universe made out of those velvet blacklight posters from the 1970's.

Just make sure you use the correct kind of blacklight bulbs! Turns out that it's easy to accidentally replace decorative blacklights with germicidal UVC tubes, which will permanently damage your eyes. (Details about the recent "Bored Ape" incident in Hong Kong here.)

IMG_4186.JPG (234 downloads)

Tony Fabris