Can you force it to a predictable format by using an Accept-Language header?
Did a quick experiment. Adding the header "Accept-Language: en-CA" didn't produce the Canadian results that I got when spoofing my location in the browser. So from my initial experiment, looks like no.
And yeah, anything where I have to do more complicated steps, like, getting the location first, paying money (or having to limit the calls to 100 a day to avoid money), all that is more complex and difficult than my (now working) google scrape, so for now I'm just stucking with the google scrape. Tim, your suggestions are great because using a true API is usually more preferable to scraping HTML that might change out from under me (like it already did once with that nonbreaking space thing). On the other hand, I wonder which site is going to last longer: ipstack,, or ? I'm sure it's the latter, the only issue is, how long before I have to change the scraper again?