Originally Posted By: tfabris
It’s definitely NOT GREAT, but for background music…it’s probably fine.

My bet is that your complaint is most likely due to the speakers rather than the wire runs.

That could certainly be the case. I've also wanted to pull the speakers out and see what kind of specs I could ascertain from the back of them. In my experience, ceiling speakers can be tricky to get to sound good in general, since joist bay construction can vary, and most of them aren't able to get much oomph anyway.

Originally Posted By: peter
it depends greatly on how good their wall-unit amps and their speakers are.

I don't know about the speakers, but the amps aren't in the wall. Those are just volume control knobs. All the power comes from back in the network enclosure. I'll have to look at the unit that's powering it, because I wonder how many watts it might be outputting total. There's four rooms that are wired, and I'm not sure it's outputting much power.

Originally Posted By: peter
So long as the audio is balanced/differential on twisted pairs (preferably STP)

Definitely not shielded. I have no idea what balanced and differential means, even after googling it laugh

and the cables have been routed sufficiently far from the nearest mains cables

Ah this is almost never the case around here. I've seen low voltage wiring in so many homes in my area, and it's usually done by electricians who begrudgingly run the low voltage. It's almost never done correctly, with the right distance and 90 degree intersections. I used to run low voltage for new home builds and I would always ask to follow the electricians, so I could run my lines correctly.