
You've already spent $1500 on your empeg. You've got another $1000 worth of amps and speakers in your car. You've got thousands, maybe tens of thousands of dollars invested in your music collection. You've spent scores, maybe hundreds of hours ripping, encoding, and loading music into your empeg.

And here you sit, bemoaning the fact that another two gigs is going to cost you a measly hundred bucks.

Do it right. Go at least 10 gigs for the second drive. So it costs you $500 instead of a hundred and a half. A year from now when you're listening to your music and still have room to add more, you'll never miss that $350.

"The bitterness of low quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has been forgotten."

Don't cheap out on us now, Tony. Do it right in the first place and you won't regret it.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"