My goodness. I ask for a simple choice between a 9mm and a 12mm drive, and I get lectured.

Of course I understand the need to buy what's right rather than what's cheap. But I also don't spend extra money unless I need it. Especially if it's in computer parts: Prices on hard disks are dropping. The beauty of the whole thing is that if I need more space in the future, I can upgrade the hard disk with very little trouble, and spend less on that upgrade than I would by buying a bigger one now.

Right now, the 4gb disk holds all of my favorite albums. There are perhaps maybe five or seven more albums' worth of music I would want to install right now. On my PC's hard disk, I have reserved an 8gb drive purely for MP3's. So really, all I need for Emma right now is another 4gb. That gives me enough room to put on everything I want to, plus room for maybe another 1-3 year's worth of expansion. But when investigating prices, it seemed to me that 6 was the current sweet spot, pricewise. So I settled on that.

In the end, I ended up getting the 12.5mm 6.4gb drive. I should have it within the next few days. Rob, if you're listening, do you happen to have a pre-made image for the MHE2064AT, so I can install that drive directly without going through Dmoore's developer install?

Oh boy, I'm about to break the warranty seals on my Empeg for the first time. Exciting.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris