Okay, so I tried it this way:
and also
Ground->1 Capacitor->Empeg
And it pretty much worked. It didn't keep the Empeg actually on and running while the engine's being cranked, but it kept the Empeg from fully rebooting. Instead, it just went dark and came back, just like it used to on my GTI.
One difference, though: Now, when it comes back, it's got the little battery-boo-boo-icon showing for a few seconds after coming back. I assume that the capacitor is charging during that time? If that battery-boo-boo-icon is showing only for a few seconds, that's OK, right?
In any case, I also tried it with Ground-> 3 caps in parallel-> Empeg, and it produced the same results. Should I try Ground-> Cap-Cap-Cap -> Empeg?
Also, I'm not certain that I've wired the caps correctly? They don't have a "black stripe" like hugo said. They have a label on the side with a minus sign and an arrow. I have the minus sign arrow pointing to the ground connection. Is that right?
Are there any other side-effects I should know before I wire this up permanently? Will it be constantly draining my battery or anything?
Tony FabrisEmpeg #144