Yeah but a plugin architecture adds no value in and of itself. No features are added, though the door is left open for features to be added by 3rd party developers.

The dev team has not shown much interest in implementing a plugin architecture, it's rather complicated to do. The 2.0 redesign doesn't include this plugin architecture, and I doubt they'd do another re-design to accomodate this. I would personally LOVE it and would probably try to develop some fun audio and vis plugins with it, but it didn't seem that was the direction they wanted to go. Any Empeg developers who want to chime in on this feel free. Actually, fix v2.0 and THEN chime in. :)

I defintely lobbied on this board for the plugin architecture but why would they do it now if they didn't do it when they went to the drawing board for an entirely new design?

MkII #554
- Tony C
my empeg stuff