ok more questions. i read the docs and faqs and just need a human to interpret a bit

here is my starter playlist, after the first hundred random songs:

1. am i correct in assuming all the songs in subfolders will be inherited into parent folders?
2. what should i do with a subfolder that belongs in two places - i couldn't figure out a way to link it. should i just copy it? and remember to update both every time i update one?

a couple emplode questions:
is there a way to "undo" a single change? i had made 50 small corrections when i accidentally erased an artist, and i couldn't remember the artist name. am i correct in assuming my choices were either to lose all 50 changes and revert, or just live with the missing artist?

and if i have lets say 500 songs uploaded, and scattered among playlists, and i upload 500 more songs, how do i tell which 500 are NOT already in playlists?

another question - what are bookmarks really used for? i couldn't figure out what purpose they serve.

and lastly, can someone give me "scripts" of how you deal with the following normal use cases:

1. you need more bass (do you have to go to sound/eq/select/new/then manually turn up some lower tones)
2. you want to listen to all your rap stuff except 2 songs (do you have to manually create a new playlist song by song?)
3. you want to listen to all your bach and beethoven (do you have to manually create a new playlist with each song you want)?

sorry for the dumb questions - if you can't tell, i am struggling with the UI a bit. still used to the "select disc/track" paradigm i guess :)


P.S. please don't criticize my choice in music - this was a random bunch of files i uploaded to help me create a scalable info architecture :)

30102792, 10 GB, Blue
30102792, 10 GB, Blue