am i correct in assuming all the songs in subfolders will be inherited into parent folders?


what should i do with a subfolder that belongs in two places - i couldn't figure out a way to link it. should i just copy it? and remember to update both every time i update one?

Copying a folder (or song) is linking. If you have a playlist in two parent playlists, change in one means change in others, too. No space is wasted.

and if i have lets say 500 songs uploaded, and scattered among playlists, and i upload 500 more songs, how do i tell which 500 are NOT already in playlists?

Generally, you will upload by dropping songs into playlists. If you don't, but drop them in top level (a new option in 2.0), then search "refs=0" will list all those not referenced in any playlist.

what are bookmarks really used for? i couldn't figure out what purpose they serve.

To remeber the current playing set (dynamic playlist) and position within it, so that you can return to it after listening to something else.

you need more bass (do you have to go to sound/eq/select/new/then manually turn up some lower tones)

Yes. Better yet, as you have more EQ presets than you are likely to ever need, prepare 'flat' preset, 'more bass' one, 'brighter' one etc, and just switch among them as needed. We have been promissed 'consumer' controls ('bass', 'trebble' etc), but they are not here yet. Also, there is a long standing wishlist item of asigning an EQ preset to a song or playlist (for badly produced albums).

you want to listen to all your rap stuff except 2 songs (do you have to manually create a new playlist song by song?)

You can Wendy-filter out those you don't want (Wendy fileters are adequately described in TFRN (release notes)).

you want to listen to all your bach and beethoven (do you have to manually create a new playlist with each song you want)?

If you do that often, create a new playlist and copy JSB and LvB playlists into it. If this is sporadic, select one for listsning and use search by playlist function in append mode to add another.


Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue