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- Staring at osciloscope while watching some tunes that produce nice plots (clear vocals in forground, percusion only, electronica) I got an idea that all 'scope visuals would benefit from far more aggresive syncing (that is, keeping the phase at t=0 same from one sweep to another). Now, I ...

I've thought that the Scope type visuals could do with this too. On an oscilloscope you have to set a trigger voltage level to get a steady waveform display. It's easy to set this with a nice steady waveform but I would have thought nigh on impossible to do it with something as dynamic as music. Maybe synching the start of the trace to the highest value within the given trace period would work, I don't know. Someone (guess who?) would have to try it . Maybe putting the waveform data through a low pass filter would help too. Of course you'd only use the filtered data to set the trigger level not for displaying the actual waveform.

Anyway, I'm still sulking about the non-inclusion of a Lissajous (I think that's how you spell it) figure visual like I suggested some time back. I used to spend hours being mesmerised by the patterns produced on an old valve scope hooked up to my cobbled together record player consisting of old valve amps & a record deck. Ahh.... memories...

Come on Toby, how about a nice Lissajous visual? please... pretty please...pretty please with sugar on the top? xxxx

Marcus (beaker)
32 gig (various colours)
Marcus 32 gig MKII (various colours) & 30gig MKIIa