I have to agree with Joe.

After sending my unit back to get the IR checked out and a new remote. I have found the remote a bit of a bother, and I would rather see some of the functions implemented on the remote put into the UI. I also have to agree with Joe's point about not knowing if the button was pressed. If I push one of the 4 nav buttons I know it worked with the remote I'm not always sure.

Also on Tony's point about the rotary knob. I have always felt that this was very poorly implemented. It's too short to grab hold of and it binds on the facia too frequently, requiring a facia adjustment every so often.

As far as the organization is concerned, I don't have a lot of time on my hands to play with the playlists and try new techniques. I have longed for a "Best practices" way of organizing the music I'm sure this kind of implementation would require more attention to ID3 tags, but it would be useful.

I too generally just hit down down down to shuffle the whole player, and since the implementation of the most/least recently played shuffle life is better. I have yet to try bookmarks, but I'm sure I will love those as well.

___ John Turner "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"