ok glad to see at least one person out there agrees with me :)

i think i can sumarize the improvement as: move to the next playlist in the same folder without starting at the top of the playlist hierarchy

I'll try to describe the PJB: it has 3 folder levels, no more. but all 3 are displayed at the same time.
Set: rock
Folder: Randy Newman
Disc: 12 Songs

I can move the cursor to the Folder level and LEFT/RIGHT to select different Folders in the Rock Set. Or I can move it to the Set level or the Disc level and sroll through my Sets and Discs respectively. In some cases the empeg would be faster, for example to move to the first entry listed at the top level takes 3 clicks (right, down, down) but to get to most of the lower level items i can get there faster with the PJB.

as far as the remote being dangerous but the visualization/info is not, i don't use the info screen much but i like to choose the "blank" visualization so i don't burn out my screen and other times i like to show people the different vis options, and it's such a hassle to switch between them without the remote it hardly seems worth it (down, right 4 times, down, then select group, then select vis). i know you can turn some of the vis's off using the .ini file but i couldn't get it to work, so i'm out of luck.

just want to reiterate, the unit is wonderful and i don't have buyer's remorse, but i feel it is lacking a few "idiot" features to make it simple and easy to move around in my music or change my display

thx for responding :)
30102792, 10 GB, Blue