OK here it is... really small patch to use /dev/hda2 as root instead of /dev/hda5

I first booted using a normal kernel and dropped to the shell and copied everything off the existing root partition to a new partition on /dev/hda2...

mke2fs /dev/hda2
mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
tar -cplf - . | (cd /mnt && tar xpf -)

Next I removed the existing /sbin/init on my new partition and replaced it with a new script (nothing special... just mounts /dev/hda5 on /realroot before asking whether to drop to a shell or run the original init)

I have tested playing with blitecho etc in the replacement init before it calls the real init and that sort of thing works fine... next is to write a program that will use Mark's menu system and see how that goes...

Eventually we can cut the stuff that isn't needed out of /dev/hda2 and write some software to upload install scripts there and custom programs...

If we can settle on a standard layout for /dev/hda2 we might even be able to produce an image of the partition that could be written to partition in a similar way to how player upgrades are done...



43828-hda2boot.patch (354 downloads)

Edited by kimbotha (05/11/2001 03:18)