I got some good progress this weekend. I'll post some pictures later. I am finding the job much more time consuming than I originally thought (I guess that's how most projects go). About 4 hours into cutting an aluminum prototype I heard a horrible sound, I immediately hit my emergeny stop button. Turns out I had a little bug in my CNC code and the tool tried to take a 1/8" cut into my hardend steel vise. Needless to say the tool had no chance against the steel at the speed it was running and virtually melted. Not a problem except goodbye $12 cutter, $10 piece of aluminum and 4 hours of cutting time. I did fix the bug in the code and I'm awaiting some new end mills to begin cutting again (they should have all been here last week). Now I hope to have a usable aluminum facia this weekend. I'll keep you all posted.
