I think the closest thing to an Empeg review in mainstream "hard copy" press I saw was in Wired. The Empeg Mark I was reviewed quite favorably in Wired a long time ago. Unfortunately it was in one of the back sections (Street Cred or Just Outta Beta or somesuch) where only four people including myself saw it. Wired deals with so many amazing inventions in those sections that it was easy to overlook the MkI. I don't remember ANY substantial MkII reviews in any of the mags I read.

How did the MkII not make its way into the various car stereo review publications? Or did it and I was sleeping? Did they not take it seriously?

I remember the Wired review was on the same page as Soul Calibur for the Dreamcast. I loved that because I had just bought a Dreamcast and was playing SC for about 8 hours a day. Hmm, how is the Dreamcast doing these days... Oh, about as well as the Empeg... I think I'm going to go burn that issue of Wired now...

Not that I regret getting either.. Well, the Dreamcast maybe, seeing the Playstation 2 and XBox.. With DC I don't care about the hardware, it was the fact that so many games were available at launch, but all of the game developers colluded against Sega in favor of Sony. And now Microsoft's in the mix.. Aye aye aye. At least I have NES and Colecovision emulators on my Dreamcast now. That'll hold me over until the console scene gets sorted out.

Now the one toy I regret getting is my Casiopeia E-100. I took a BATH on that damn thing. I'm going to go back to spending my money on beer and hookers. At least those don't depreciate in two weeks.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff