I obviously still haven't described it well enough if anyone thinks this is the way it should work.

When I have my empeg on my desk at work I generally play individual albums. My tastes are a little too eclectic for some of my co workers to do my preferred option of playing randomly for a large playlist (I need to get my Wendy filters sorted out at some point).

While I am away from my desk the album and therefore playlist comes to an end. At this point the state of the player is stopped/paused.

I come back to my desk sometime later and want to play another album. My screen is now off (presumably because of HiJacks screen blanking). I press a front panel button (not the top play/pause button) to wake it it.

At this point not only does the screen come back on but the player starts playing the playlist again for the beginning.

If I had paused the player manually mid way through the playlist this would not happen, pressing a button to bring the player out of standby leaves the player in the state I chose to leave it in (in a much earlier version of the software this didn't happen, it was bugged and fixed).

I run into this problem at least 4 times a day, meaning I get to "accidentally" re-play the first couple of seconds from the beginning at least 4 playlists a day.

Hopefully I have explained myself fully this time...
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday