I'm not sure I understand you, please explain. I'm one user that has no skills at stuff such as this.
He's not referring specifically to you... It's that Kernel/programs distinction.
A lot of the stuff Mlord is adding to the kernel now, probably shouldn't be. In the Empeg, we don't have much choice, but it's not a clean design.
The Kernel runs supreme over everything, and as such, should be the arbitrator of requests. When you add programs to the kernel, they also run supreme, which can cause problems.
Windows NT is a very good example of why you don't want to do this.
3.51 had a very good kernel design, but the video responsiveness wasn't as good as 95/98... So, in NT 4.0, Microsoft changed the design to allow the video drivers to run at ring 0 in the kernel. Speed came up. Reliability went in the crapper.
Mlord has put some very nice hooks into the kernel now that allows us to write usermode programs that will work WITH the player executable. Now we just need to use them, instead of throwing everything into the kernel...
And as he said.. He's a kernel guy, not usermode...