Until college, my idea of "coffee" was the instant decaf coffee my mom made for breakfast. In college, I discovered real, genuine coffee, lattes, mochas, and all those wonderful beverages. I proceeded to consume mass quantities until, one day, I noticed my hands visibly shaking. The caffeine was really too much.

So, of course, I overreacted and went cold turkey on coffee, switching over to tea, where I developed a love of Chinese and Japanese styles (oolong, jasmine, and various green teas) over the usual European blends. A few years ago, when I got into serious running, I was admonished to halt all caffeine intake, because it interferes with your body's ability to stay hydrated. Rats.

These days, I'm pretty much caffeine free, although I'll have tea once in a while. I find that coffee will hit me much harder than a caffeine-equivalent amount of tea. Something about the coffee, maybe the oils, seems to amplify the caffeine effect.