I took a look at riocar.org and didn't see anything dedicated. The links section was a bit small, so I hope those with their own sites forward the info to Tony for inclusion
Both links and downloads can be entered into the database on riocar.org by any registered user. Once submitted, one of the admins reviews it, and will then approve it. Looking at the links, it looks like Rob went through there recently and added all the ones from the geek site.
Also, any developer interested in adding their info to the site can contact me. The goal of the site is to ensure it is always up to date with no mundane HTML work for the webmaster (me) so that if I abandon the site for a while, it dosen't become stale.
Right now my todo list is as follows:
1. Look into a search for at least the FAQ sections
2. Get user addable galleries hacked in
3. Add user uploads
4. Migrate the backed of the logo site over
5. Get the developer info section cleaned up, and try to add more info
Beyond that, I have some neet features I'd like to add down the road. I won't go into them here, so that noone hounds me for them

(Honestly these could be months away, if ever. So I'd rather not discuss something that may never appear.) The biggest motivation would be if the economy picked up again, so I could use the site as a show of my skills to get into the part of the industry I really want in, programming.
Overall I have been happy with the response of the site. Tony has done an excelent job ensuring it's used as a resource, while Rob has added many entertaining and enlightning pictures, much more then I expected in both those regards.
(Sorry about taking the thread into a discussion on the status of riocar.org)