Really good. The empeg looks so at home there.
If I may offer a few tips?
Secure that main power cable with zip ties (small ones) avery 15 - 20 cm. Last thing you want is it flapping around in the engine bay. Also, the constant vibrations could wear away the insulation and ZAP. Better hope that's a fast acting fuse!
Check the clearance under the amp in the back and bolt it through the floor. make sure you're not going to drill through any fuel, electric or brake lines first. It may be only slightly held onto the carpet and the end of the screw heads may be rubbing on the metal already. If it did come loose, you may not know about it and it could break someones foot in a crash.

my 0.02US coz AUS$ aint worth crap
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?