Hi Tony.

I am just trying to be honest. I'm far from perfect myself, let alone my web site. But Milo's website looks nice, and sure shows he knows something about programming on/for the web. Still the site has no content, and doesn't even work all too well under those browsers he says it is optimized for (IE5.5 in my case). It worked when I last checked, but now it doesn't work anymore.
If he filled it with a little content (like some info about him), it would be a very nice site, but the way it is now, you don't miss much when you don't visit it.
Hey, this might be considered putting down Milo's web site, but I am not trying to put down Milo or his art/programming skills.

proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord