OK I went over to his recording studio last night and brought my MK2 along with me to compare.

What he showed me was quite astonishing. What I thought was a nice quite component was disturbingly noisy.

The noise was unaffected by the volume setting on the empeg. You could have the empeg turned down all the way and the hum was still there at the same level as before.

While the MK2 did not have the electronic/bionic noises it had a horrible baseline hum.

For reference he was running through a mixer that pre-amp'd out to his PA amps and into his PA stack. He is going to play in clubs and need his stack to run quite loud.

Nothing else in his entire setup, including a home built PC that is running into his system, makes noise.

Here is a link to the two files (I couldn't attach them for some reason?)
MK1 noise
MK2 noise

___ John Turner "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"