I have just installed 2.0beta3...and looks GREAT. I also installed the developer version while i was at it so that I could use menusort...and I'm also using Mark Lord's voladj kernel hack. So far, so good...

But.. I decided to delete all my music off the player and resyncronize it all (since I ran mp3tool on my PC to repair VBR headers). But..

I've had to do several whacks at it because the computer has crashed a few times while doing it. As of now, Emplode says I have filled up 37GB of disk space....but I know that the files I copied over from my PC only take up 26GB's on the PC. What gives? It sorta seems like maybe the Empeg's DB is out of whack with the actual files taking up space on the Empeg. But I can't tell for sure. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, for Mark Lord, the resync of the 2.0B3 voladj doesn't work all the way because when it gets to the part about configuring the player, it fails... All the tunes get uploaded just fine, but I have to restart emplode and it does a cleanup step. But the config information never makes it over. I'm guessing that the kernal hack somehow messed with that area.

At this point I think I will downgrade to 1.03, delete all the tunes, resync them all back on there and then try upgrading to 2.0B3 again.

Does anyone have any other suggestions about the diskspace wierdness?
