Excellent effort! Great information on the other models that I wasn't aware of (when you drive a Ferrari, you don't look at the specs on the Saturn.)

A few corrections/observations:

1. In the "Storage as Shipped" column, I think you mean "principal distributors" not "principle distributors."
2. In the "Third Party Software Releases" for the Empeg, the link is broken.
3. I think you should mention in the "Drive Mounting and Protection" row that the 2.5" drives in the Empeg and the PhatBox are better with shock protection than the 3.5" in the Neo. This is an often understated point.

Mega-props for putting this quality comparison together. Too bad this wasn't around when it could have helped the Empeg's cause in the Slashdot and mp3.com forums. Well, maybe they wouldn't have "gotten it" anyway.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff