I would seriously recommend the S300. I have a Fuji with a 3x zoom. On my camera, a 3x zoom basically equates to a "what you see with your eye is what you get on the camera." A 2x zoom would mean that everything you shoot will appear smaller and further away than what you see with your eye.
I just came back from Egypt and Greece, and there were plenty of shots that I wished I had a bigger zoom for. I wouldn't sacrifice that zoom for just a hundred bucks. You will kick yourself for it later.
I just looked up all three cameras on dpreview. My FinePix 4800 has a zoom from 36mm to 108mm. The S300 is 35mm to 105mm (so roughly the same as mine), and the S110 has 35mm to 70mm.
Keep in mind that I'm a poor photographer, and these are just my impressions, but that zoom would be the deal killer for me.
Mk 2, Green 12GB, Tuner, 2.0b11, 080000349