My biggest disappointment is a problem that plagues almost all digital cameras, and that's the fact that when I click the shutter, there is a noticable delay between when the shutter actually releases.
I probably shouldn't get into this discussion, since the tiny bit of knowledge I have about digital cameras is anecdotal and second hand... but never let it be said that I passed up an opportunity to display my ignorance.
I have been doing a bit of research (the site is outstanding) and have tentatively decided to buy a Canon G1. (It has been superceded by the G2, but the G1 seems only marginally less capable, and there is plenty of NOS (New Old Stock) still on the shelves selling for hundreds of dollars less.)
What prompted this post is that I remembered reading that the shutter release delay on the Canon G1 was less than 1/10 of a second. (
"...shutter release lag was unmeasurable, well below the 0.1 secs minimum our timer can catch")
It is certainly not small or compact, which I guess was the main point of this thread... but for my particular needs there is no advantage whatsoever to having a tiny camera, and the additional features enabled by having a larger form factor to work with are substantial. You can read about the G1
If anybody who knows more about digital cameras than I do (that is,
everybody) has specific information or advice about this camera, I would like to hear.