That's strange. If you copy a cell from the sources on the left and paste it into the middle of the map, it should keep that orientation. If it shows the correct orientation on the main screen it should write that orientation correctly to the TXT file.

Unless the Excel 2000 macro language behaves differently than the Excel 97 macro language. That would royally piss me off. The orientation code looks for the little \ | / - characters in the cell. It does something different depending on whether it finds the character early in the cell or late in the cell (so it can tell the difference between the up direction and the down direction for example). The only way I see that it could get that wrong is if (a) the text got changed in the process of copying and pasting, or (b) the "InStr" visualbasic function is returning different values on 97 and 2000.

If you want to mess with it yourself, the password to unprotect the worksheet is pitifully obvious.
Tony Fabris