> Some of these were answered in the FAQ entry on
> this subject

Ack. My apologies. I was looking in the 'FAQ' and 'Announcement' sections here.

> But for now, the same alternatives to the Empeg exist as
> they did before you sold your player. The Neo and the
> Phatnoise. They have been nicely summarized here.

So basically, still no REAL competition. I guess I am inappropriately applying my product cycle experience with the computer hardware market to this market -- which moves quite a bit slower. Nine months is an eternity in terms of computing hardware.

> Basically, you've owned an empeg before so you know
> you won't regret buying one. It's still the best.

You're right. Thanks for the reassurances, Tony.

> I am hoping that one day we will see a Taxi folder built into
> Emplode. Empeg guys, is this possible in the near future?

(...please say yes, please say yes, please say yes...)
- - - MK2 #141 12GB Queue #5723 (SOLD) MK2a 30GB + grn + tuner + blk empeg case