There is no accurate shipping plan, simply because there are 10,000 people ahead of you who may, or may not, order. Maybe they'll defer their order until later, who knows.

This makes it impossible for us to give an accurate date for a given registration number. The number that we are currently shipping means nothing, as production is batched up - we could potentially ship 2000 players one week, and then nothing for a month.

I realise that you very much want to know when you will receive your players, however this is the downside of the registration queue. On the upside, everyone will get their player fairly depending upon when they first registered their interest, and you don't have the worry of handing over your credit card details months before your goods are ready.

General shipping updates will be included in each newsletter (which you will receive if you are registered) so keep an eye on them.

Don't forget that our Customer Services Team are there to help, and are always open to bribes (just kidding!)
