Great sentiment. I agree whole heartedly. I've been following the progress of this since before there was an Emped Ltd, just Hugo his miata and a pieced together linux box he called his mp3mobile. But trust me the wait was well worth it. I thought many times about building my own, but I could have never created a product and nice as this.

I'm sure that alot of the frustration comes from having this forum available for you to hear from those of us who have gotten one, and it just makes the waiting that much harder. But it is worth it, and since 2 beta releases of the software have come out since I got my unit, you know the Empeg guys are busy coding away. So try to relax, it's comming.

And if you have to be frustrated about something how about being frustrated with the size of the message entry box, which makes me scroll to see an entire line, even at full screen. Any way we can shrink this box by about 15 characters Paul?
