My problems with USB syncing have been on going. I have always had problem with large syncs on my Mk1 (and now on my Mk2a), I have supplied long log files on many occasions to try and identify the issues.

The issues do get resolved in the end, but then I just move onto the next thing that makes large syncs fail...

There has been the odd build of emplode where the problems only happened fairly rarely, but I have just had to accept that I have to do small syncs. It just seems that emplode/empeg doesn't like my USB setup.

I'm not surprised that it is possible to find a machine that doesn't like large syncs with USB, the USB standard is just too new (compared to things like Ethernet) to expected to be 100% reliable on all machines/software.

I'm sure if empeg had been around in the early days of Ethernet then someone would be having similar problems to me with their Ethernet syncs. Anyway, I'm trying a large Ethernet sync now on my Mk2a, expecting it to be somewhat more robust.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday