Yeah, doesn't Ogg require licensing fees, too? I could be wrong about that.

According to the FAQ ogg is "completely free, open, and unpatented" ;)

In any case, at the current time no one uses Ogg. It's a question of demand. I think the quickest way to get Ogg onto the player would be to somehow get Mike, Hugo, or Rob hooked on the format

True true.

From the expeiriments that I performed, ogg seemed to be capable of just as high a quality as MP3, but at slightly smaller sizes, and now RC3 is supposed to be even better. This may not seem like that big of a deal, but I for one have had to erase files from my empeg to make room for more several times, so I am constantly looking for better alternitives. I am also extremely anal about quality, so lower bitrates and such are absolutely not an option for me.

So, I guess my point is, the only reason I'm not using ogg, is because I can't. If the empeg supported it, I'd use it.
MK2 in an Impreza 2.5RS