I looked at Ultraedit back when Textpad was still at version 2.something. I used to use PFE (Prgrammer's File Editor) anyone remember that? Anyone remember CygnusEd for the Amiga?
Anyway, I hope UltraEdit has changed as much as TextPad has. It may very well be great, but TextPad does everything I need it to do, minus its regular quirks (like showing the horizontal scroll bar even when it's not needed and like most other software, allowing you to scroll the text right off the top of the screen when you reach the bottom of the file and continue to flick the scroll wheel on your mouse).
How about Hex? I prefer Hex Workshop to everything else I've seen.
How about Graphics? ACDSee has no equal. Have been using all of these since 1995 when some were in their infancy. Helped get a bunch of features into both TP and ACDSee (even provided David Hooper at ACD with source code for IFF :)
I've been out of the new software loop for a long time though. Audiograbber is the latest thing I searched around for.