Well I was just thinking about making a simple text displayer that you could scroll with and maybe add stuff to on the fly, like if you heard a song on the radio that you wanted to remind yourself to get, you could write in the name on the empeg, or if you wanted to show directions on how to get somewhere, etc.

Very cool idea! "Typing" in stuff on the Empeg is a bit tedious though. The second part about the directions is kinda interesting but you'd have to save the text file onto the Empeg first and then have it displayed... I would just write them down on a piece of paper at that point. How low tech :)

Have you thought of how you're going to do the graphics? I'm not smart enough to do my own graphics routines so I managed to get the GD library working. But as I mentioned in the other thread, it's really slow. I'm searching for alternatives.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff