Yes, I see mention of a replacement kernel for DS, but there doesn't appear to be one on that site for 2.0.

IIRC the irtrans patch on his site includes support for DS2/2.0b3 as well as the IR remapping stuff. The relevant parts appear to be within the #if USE_IRSEND blocks.

So.. has anyone already run DS on top of Hijack?
Did you patch the kernel to make it run, or is that entirely unnecessary?

Yeah, I used to. It patched in cleanly until you added your IR remapping stuff. All Franks patch did was provide a way to pass IR codes sent from his java applet into the kernel. DS runs fine without the kernel patch, but you lose the ability to control the empeg from the applet (which was pretty cool).

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration