The_Optimizer: Just though you all could use some useless statistics...

Thanks for doing this for those of us who wouldn't know how!

Useless statistics these aren't, at least for some of us. Bizarre as it continues to seem, it looks like my order for a 60GB Empeg (the already upgraded, time-to-rip-some-classical, Empeg of my dreams) is going through. I just got a tracking number. So, it looks like I will be selling a 10GB Mk2a and a tuner. I know I'll be taking a significant loss on the Mk2a (purchased in early November), but this info helps me think about what kind of a loss to expect.

I may (just shoot me) initially list the Mk2a and tuner as a bundle. Two reasons: less shipping hassle for me and, seriously, I wonder about the sales appeal of the Mk2a (for some folks) if there's no guarantee they can get a tuner. Maybe I'll just try to sell the Mk2a alone first, then I can sell the tuner at cost to someone who needs one. Oh, I don't know. I just hope I don't do something morally reprehensible!

Anyhow, if *I* had my order fulfilled at this late date, I hope that some other folks in need got what they wanted, too.
Sort of amazing that 14/14 auctions ended with "Buy it now" pricing. I wonder if this will hold true with this most recent, agonal shipment from the US Store. If you could run this report again in a bit, that would be interesting.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.