> when will we see USB-PPP ?? :)

5 minutes after John releases the Linux usb driver :) Which is apparently
working, just not very well yet.

> IF i use rz/sz or so, which files would i need to backup except the
> mp3's themself ??

The MP3s are in /drive*/fids/*0 for all *1 of type tune. You would also
want the playlists which are *0 when its *1 is type playlist. However,
it's probably easier to just do this tar cvf /drive0/backup `find /drive*
-size -1000k`, though it will backup unecessary things like /drive0/var/*
which can be recreated from the fids/*1.

Personally, I've made links from all the MP3s to a second directory and
I use rsync to copy all MP3s from my PC that I've generated and don't
yet exist on the empeg or have changed. Then I regenerate all the *1 fids
with a script. I've got a perl script to generate a complete hierarchy
of playlists based on the ID3 tags, but it only works on my PC so far,
as I need a load of extra perl modules on the empeg.
