First, let me say that I'd much rather have the name change as you type in the name (auto fill), as Hugo mentioned before. But, if that's too far off, then play by pin is adequate... so long as it's implemented correctly. I'm no expert on just how to do things like this, but I can think of a way to make it somewhat usable and a little user friendly. If the PIN# is generated using a logical numbering system, it could work. Let's say you have a PIN# of 024107602003. I realize that's a long #, but it makes sense considering the number of songs you can have. To break that down, using my own (pathetic?) reasoning, this is what it looks like:

0241 - Artist number (alphabetically listed)
076 - Album number (alphabetically listed)
02 - CD number (for multi-CD albums)
003 - Track number

I used extra digits since it would be a lot of rework to add a single digit to the PINs later on, so it's long for a reason. You could cut out the 02 if you use each CD in a multi-CD album as a seperate album, thereby reducing the PIN by two digits, though. Using this methodology, you could very easily print out an alphabetical list of your entire music collection and be able to find a song VERY easily. Considering you can have upwards of 5000 songs on the player, an alphabetical list would be a logical thing to keep with you. There's no way you'd be able to remember what song 3582 is. There's also no way you'd be able to remember the PINs for 5000 songs. If you can, you're in the wrong field! A printed out listing of each PIN# makes sense to me. I don't know exactly what the Empeg people have in mind, but this would be acceptable by me until they can get the "auto fill" typing in.

Anyone else have an idea on how to find a song? I'm sure everyone, including Empeg would like to hear them. I wonder what they have in mind, too!
