I think you've probably sussed what the problem is; the empeg can simply store so many tracks. I have trouble with a 6-disc changer remembering disc order or even what's in there. Dealing with an 80-disc changer would be almost impossible (anyone played with the Pioneer 50-disc mega changer yet? They're getting desperate!).

Although I think your hierarchical numbering is reasonable, there's a couple of practical problems.

1) This could only really be practical operated from the remote; what happens when you leave it at home?

2) Typing a 10 digit number on the remote whilst driving would be a problem. I am only now (after several days on the road) getting used to using it, but pressing individual keys on the pad is difficult without looking at the remote itself. It has no locator pip on the centre digit which makes locating a key by feel almost impossible; if you look at the remote, you either take your eyes off the road or hold the remote up into your line of sight, whereupon it stops working. Unless you have a repeater installed....

I have been trying to bounce off the windscreen, then off the rear window and back to the unit. My neighbours are wondering why I have bits of tinfoil stuck to the windows of the car....

In the end, I think that if the truly hierarchical menu structure is implemented, this will no longer be an issue, although I have yet to be convinced. I must admit, of all the things I could wish for on the empeg, having the menus work properly for playlists is definitely my *number 1* favourite choice above everything else. That wasn't too subtle, was it Mike? ;^)

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015