Maybe the challenges are insurmountable (although conquered once). I've not looked at the source code for the player but what I was mulling was "portability" as in code. Agreed a kernel compiled for the player as is would obviously not work in off the shelf components. Could the kernel be modified to fit an arbitrary standard off the shelf configuration?

The VFD SW was mentioned as being very tough, could that SW be shoe horned into a new kernel compiled for an off the shelf motherboard with audio included on board?

On portability, for the ultimate next iteration of the EMPEG, I believe a couple of markets could be served with the car player being nothing more than the docking sled now with a slide in/out player in the form (as in format) of the Rio Riot. You have the best of both worlds and more importantly common development, manufacturing, etc. The car player would just be an extension of the portable. Linux is now being run on PDAs so why not a Rio Riot/Car Player.

I personally would have no problem with a backlit LCD. In the "car" mode, the back light could stay on a simulate the VFD. The visuals are fine (at first) but I personally think too much emphasis is on that aspect in the SW... especially as one uses the unit on a longterm basis.

Any thoughts?