Ahh...I see now. You need the "hover" event in the the CSS set right. Assign a style to the href to keep it from getting confused with the styles in the DIV. See the attached example.

One more thing...Don't use BMP files on web pages. IE is the only browser that can see them. Only use GIF and JPG, and PNG (if you know everyone is using the most current browser).

If you really want to get nuts...there is some insane stuff that you can do to make the DIV contents scroll automatically. There is one other thing, that is PURE CSS that will let you add scroll bars to the DIVs, so that you can actually keep the HTML page the same dimensions no matter how much content there is. It all get pretty fun, but then you have to start asking yourself...when do I stop?

61178-CSS_hover.html (110 downloads)

Edited by redbutt2 (25/01/2002 09:15)
We need a bigger boat.