This is cool, glad you have a work around. Still begs the question, what's going to happen when we get to play the soup views from the main menu? My hope is that I will be able to get rid of all my artist/album playlists. But will all my albums suddenly play out of order, then?

Right now (I think this is in the FAQ), people order them so when they drag & drop into playlists, they'll be in the right order. I'd guess that the imported order would probably be maintained in the soup views. My problem was that my import order was reversed. If the inital ordering was determined not by import order, but, for example, tracknumber from ID3 tags, my problem would be gone. But its probably easier to fix the script I'm using to import in the album order. That and merge it with my hacked up Rio Receiver server scripts to keep playlists and such in sync between empeg and receiver. Another day, another day.