Umm, you do know that on any playlist, you can press the number keys on the remote to automatically pop you to the first instance of the corresponding letter, right?

I still split my artists into 2 lists, A-L and M-Z. If I was browsing the second list, pressing "8" would take me to the first artist starting with "T", pressing "8" again will take me to "U" etc...

Of course if you're can't use the remote, then this becomes moot.

I suspect a hack can be implemented in Hijack however to do something similar.... I can't remember if I've read anyone asking for this implementation, but I recall something similar.

Anyway, what about being able to assign a special function to a key that would sequentially run through the letters of the alphabet each time it's pressed? That would be simulated with numbers of course. And have to take into account the special "0" case for "q" and "z." A similar button could be made to go backwards. Then you'd basically have a very quick way of skipping between a lot of songs.

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