<public apology>

I'm sorry about trashing that other thread with my Gas Mark 8 flame. It certainly wasn't my intention to hijack the thread into obliivion, although my post certainly sent it there.

About a year ago I lost a friend to a deadly concoction of alcohol and anti-depressants. He had suffered with both alcoholism and depression for many years, and finally had had enough of it. He wasn't a particulary close friend - I hadn't spoken to him in about 5 years, but he had one of the most gentle souls I've ever met. He'd go out of his way to try and bring a smile to *anybody's* day. But even when life was going really well for him, he still couldn't find any lasting happiness outside of a bottle of booze. Even when laughihng and joking outwardly, inside he was constantly battling a dark cloud.

For some people, life just sucks.

I'm sorry guys. I'll try not to let my emotions get the better of me again.

</public apology>

Edited by genixia (23/04/2002 10:35)
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