I was discussing a bug with Toby at Prolux, and he mentioned that the planned Christmas/Millennium visuals were delayed because he got a really bad case of the flu at that time.

Ahh... What a great Christmas present.. I got the exact same gift!

Personally, I don't think we need any new visuals. The one's we've got are great. I'd rather see some features implemented to add to the existing visuals, like flashing the track info atop the visuals at the beginning of a new track, or the ability to select which visuals will appear when cycling through them with the DNPP button.

Granted, those are features that I would like to see (I actually remember suggesting the "favorite visuals" idea months ago) but there really are only 3 or 4 visuals that I ever use, and I would just like to see more of them... Many people tend to judge a piece of equipment by how it looks (as I mentioned with my friends who couldn't give a rip that the empeg could play any future digital format file, or that it runs Linux, or so on..).

Even then, there's other stuff I'm sure we'd all rather see sooner than vis enhancements. Things like per-song EQ, or crash-free synchronizations.

Again, I guess it all goes back to personal preference. I doubt that I'll ever use a per-song EQ feature.. I know that I wouldn't spend the time setting the EQ for each one of the thousands of songs I have in my empeg. *grin*. As for the crash-free synchronizations, I've been reading the board since it was started, and I realize that a lot of people are having these problems, however I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones that has never, ever had a problem synchronizing, upgrading, or anything. Never a crash, never a failure.

But seriously, I'm a software developer. I've been programming for over 15 years. I understand that to develop successful software you have to first produce bug-free "internal" code (well, as bug-free as you can get... no code is bug-free) before you go and start coding external features like new visualizations.

In otherwords - Ignore me, I was just whining. :)

