
1. I wasn't complaining. I just want to know if someone had similar experiences (with mp3s not playing at all).
2. The Alphaville song is not playing on the empeg.
3. It's playing on all other mp3 players (I even tested winamp now)

The encoder was lame (3.91) with abr set to 128 (low quality).

Since it (still) playes on 1.03 and not on 2.0bx (x=3 or 7),
I assume the decoder was switched.

All I want to know:
And will this be fixed ?

Don't get me wrong, I still love my empeg and think the support is great!!!
But if nobody knows it's broken, you can't fix it.

If the (above) song is broken, let me know. All tools say it's OK.

Maybe a broken mp3 should just be stopped instead of playing
very loud mixed frequency noise.
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